Glendale Preservation Score (GPS)

Besides advocating for the preservation of Glendale’s historic landmarks and districts, TGHS also strongly supports new development projects that incorporate historic resources. Preservation and new development are not mutually exclusive; Glendale can get desperately needed new housing while maintaining context about Glendale’s past for future generations.

To provide transparency and accountability, and to enable you to quickly and easily determine if each City Councilmember supports this balance between development and preservation, TGHS has created a Glendale Preservation Score (GPS), based on each Councilmember’s voting record on preservation issues. Each item voted on is ranked (low, medium, high) by the Preservation Advocacy Committee and approved by TGHS’s Board. Those items are then included in the calculation and are weighted accordingly.  

Criteria for each level:

  • Low (1): Agenda items with a modest impact, including but not limited to approvals of Glendale Register/Mills Act properties

  • Medium (2): Agenda items with a medium impact, including but not limited to moderate CEQA compliance items

  • High (3): Agenda items with high impact, including but not limited to major CEQA compliance items, support of historic districts, and votes that result in the demolition of historic resources.


The GPS will be updated with each preservation-related Council vote and will be reflected on this page. Notification will also be sent to membership when the scores are updated.

Color Coding

Data Used to Calculate Scores

Includes all preservation votes taken after April 16, 2024. Links go to the TGHS Position Statement for that item. GR = Glendale Register. MA = Mills Act. 2022-2024 data is is the next table.

2022-2024 Data